High Fantasy - Gothic Horror - D20 (SRD5)
Portrait of Thalorn Shadowbane
Thalorn Shadowbane
The mysterious Thalorn, a shadow in the night.
AC: 18
Health: 200 / 200

16 (3)18 (4)16 (3)12 (1)20 (5)14 (2)

Speed: walk 40 ft.

Senses: darkvision 120 ft.

Skills: +6 Stealth

Saving Throws: +7

Damage Resistances: necroticpoison

Damage Immunities: coldpoison

Damage Vulnerability: radiant

Condition Resistances: exhaustionpoisoned

Condition Immunities: charmedfrightenedparalyzedpoisoned

Languages: Common, Necril

Challenge: 13 (10,000 XP)


Shadow Blend: The Thalorn can hide in dim light or darkness, or as a bonus action while in dim light or darkness, it can become invisible until the start of its next turn.



Type: action, Hit: +9, Range: melee, Damage: 2d8 + 6 slashing

The Thalorn makes two melee attacks.

Shadow Bolt

Type: action, Hit: +8, Range: 120 ft., Damage: 4d6 + 4 necrotic

The Thalorn casts a bolt of shadowy energy.

Spells - slots: 4

Shadow Step

Level: 3, Duration: instantaneous, Range: self, Time: 1 bonus action, Damage: 2d10 force Components: V

Description: The Thalorn teleports up to 60 ft. to an unoccupied space it can see.

Shadow Bind

Level: 4, Duration: 1 minute, Range: 60 ft., Time: 1 action, Damage: Components: V, S

Description: The Thalorn magically binds a target within 60 ft. and restrains it.

Legendary Actions

Shadow Swipe

Hit: +9, Range: melee, Damage: 2d10 + 6 slashing

The Thalorn makes a melee attack.


The Thalorn becomes invisible until the end of its next turn.

Shadow Escape

The Thalorn moves up to its full movement speed and becomes immune to opportunity attacks until the end of its turn.

Legendary Actions Count: 3