High Fantasy - High Fantasy Painting - D20 (SRD5)
Portrait of Alistair Brightmere
Alistair Brightmere
Alistair is a renowned wizard scholar known for his extensive knowledge of ancient texts and artifacts. Many regard him as eccentric, but also incredibly intelligent and resourceful.
AC: 15
Health: 120 / 120

10 (0)14 (2)12 (1)18 (4)16 (3)14 (2)

Speed: walk 30 ft., fly 60 ft.

Damage Resistances: fire, lightning

Damage Immunities: poison

Condition Resistances: charm, fear

Challenge: 10 (5,900 XP)


Arcane Knowledge: Alistair can add his intelligence modifier to any saving throw against magic.

Flight: Alistair can use his wings to fly up to 60 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.


Arcane Blast

Type: action, Hit: 6, Range: 60 ft., Damage: 3d8 + 4 force Requirement: none

Alistair casts a powerful arcane blast at a target within 60 feet.

Spells - slots: 4


Level: 7, Duration: instantaneous, Range: 10 feet, Time: 1 action, Damage: Components: V

Description: Alistair can cast the Teleport spell once per day without expending a spell slot.

Legendary Actions

Dispel Magic

0Range: 120 ft., Requirement: none

Alistair can cast Dispel Magic as a legendary action.

Legendary Actions Count: 3