High Fantasy - Anime Modern - D20 (SRD5)
Portrait of Melody Shadowdancer
Melody Shadowdancer
Others would describe her as a captivating and alluring performer who never stays in one place for too long.
AC: 12
Health: 60 / 60

18 (4)14 (2)16 (3)12 (1)10 (0)10 (0)

Speed: walk 30 ft.

Condition Immunities: frightened

Challenge: 3 (700 XP)


Captivating Presence: The performer exudes an aura of allure, causing creatures within 30 ft. to have disadvantage on saving throws against being charmed.


Dazzling Performance

Type: action,

The performer puts on a mesmerizing show, forcing all creatures of their choice within 15 ft. to make a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 minute.

Legendary Actions

Enthralling Dance

The performer elegantly dances, forcing one creature of their choice within 10 ft. to make a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed until the end of its next turn.

Legendary Actions Count: 3