Superhero - Classic Cartoon - D20 (SRD5)
Portrait of Miranda webb
Miranda webb
Known for her confident demeanor and mesmerizing presence, Miranda Webb turns heads wherever she goes.
AC: 15
Health: 80 / 80

16 (3)20 (5)14 (2)15 (2)18 (4)12 (1)

Speed: walk 30 ft., fly 60 ft.

Saving Throws: STR +7, CON +9, WIS +4

Damage Resistances: psychic

Condition Immunities: charmed

Challenge: 6 (2,300 XP)


Hypnotic Gaze: Miranda's mesmerizing presence can charm creatures within 30 feet.

Flight: Miranda Webb can fly using her large, bat-like wings.


Mind Blast

Type: action, Hit: +6, Range: 60 ft., Damage: 4d8 psychic Requirement: none

Miranda unleashes a blast of psychic energy, requiring a Wisdom saving throw.

Legendary Actions


Hit: +7, Range: 60 ft., Damage: 2d6 psychic Requirement: none

Miranda can force a creature to make a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed.

Legendary Actions Count: 3