High Fantasy - Gothic Horror - D20 (SRD5)
Portrait of Lysander Nightshade
Lysander Nightshade
Others would describe him as a mysterious and enigmatic figure, shrouded in darkness and whispers.
AC: 15
Health: 120 / 120

15 (2)16 (3)14 (2)10 (0)18 (4)12 (1)

Speed: fly 60 ft.

Damage Resistances: necroticpoison

Damage Immunities: fearcharm

Damage Vulnerability: radiant

Condition Resistances: charmedexhaustion

Condition Immunities: poisoned

Condition Vulnerability: blinded

Challenge: 8 (3,900 XP)


Shadow Cloak: Can blend into shadows, granting advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks

Life Drain: Can drain life from a target, restoring 1d6 hit points


Shadow Bolt

Type: ranged, Hit: 6, Range: 60, Damage: 2d8 necrotic Requirement: none

Fires a bolt of shadow energy

Life Siphon

Type: melee, Hit: 8, Range: 5 ft., Damage: 2d10 necrotic Requirement: none

Drains the life force of a target

Spells - slots: 3

Shadowy Grasp

Level: 2, Duration: 1 minute, Range: 30 ft., Time: 1 action, Damage: 2d6 necrotic Components: V, S

Description: Grasps a target with shadowy tendrils

Legendary Actions

Dark Whispers

0Range: self, Damage: none necrotic Requirement: none

Whispers dark incantations, casting a spell

Legendary Actions Count: 3