Horror Investigation - Gothic Horror - D20 (SRD5)
Portrait of Lothar Blackwood
Lothar Blackwood
A grizzled veteran of the investigative field, Lothar is known for his relentless pursuit of the truth and unwavering determination.
AC: 15
Health: 80 / 80

10 (0)16 (3)14 (2)12 (1)18 (4)14 (2)

Speed: walk 30 ft., climb 20 ft.

Challenge: 6 (2,300 XP)


Mind Warp: The creature can attempt to confuse the minds of its enemies, forcing them to make a Wisdom saving throw or become incapacitated for 1 minute.

Spider Climb: The creature can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.


Tentacle Slam

Type: action, Hit: 6, Range: 10 ft., Damage: 2d8 + 4 bludgeoning Requirement: none

The creature makes a tentacle attack against a target within 10 feet.

Psionic Blast

Type: action, 0Range: 15-foot cone, Damage: 3d6 psychic Requirement: none

The creature unleashes a blast of psychic energy in a 15-foot cone. All creatures in the area must make a DC 14 Intelligence saving throw, taking 3d6 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.